Who: At the end of the sixteenth century, French, thirty-eight-year-old Guilain Conte finds his beloved wife in bed with his neighbor. Guilain challenges the man to a fight to the death. Broken-spirited and weighed down by his colossal body, Guilain isn’t a match for his agile adversary and gets stabbed through the heart. The neighbor fears Guilain's brother's, Migelle Conte, reprisal and kills him too.
The two men are found by Ester Kyov, who grants them both immortal life. They join her in Siberia. After Ester’s death, Guilain returns to his birthplace, Bonifacio, Corsica, with his immortal sons and daughters.
Age: Four hundred fifty-two Features: Dark brown hair and a bushy beard, morbidly obese, ginger irises.